The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states, "Edom
(too old to reply)
Leonard Abbott
2009-10-13 10:32:44 UTC
The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states, "Edom
is in modern Jewry."

Jews are history's foremost race mixer, hypocrites and promoters of
mongrelization. Racial tension can best be understood through jewish
incitement and social engineering. Ultimately, the jewish machinations
for breeding out pure races, not just Whites, and ushering in an era of
one homogenized breed is nothing less than genocide.

95% of world jewry is eastern European Ashkenazi, a racial stock
comprised of Khazar-Edomite blood. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925
edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states,

"Edom is in modern Jewry." Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob
(Israel) for some "Red pottage=85 therefore was his name called Edom"
(Gen. 25:30). Edom means 'red'.

It is impossible for Edomite jews to call themselves Israelites. Jacob
remained racially pure, while his brother Esau took alien wives.

Therefore, a great controversy emerges from ancient times to the present
manifestation of 'red' communism (created by jews) between those who
have maintained their racial integrity from God and those who have not.

The fury of Red Terror and racial chaos can be explained only as a
manifestation of jewish hatred against White Christian civilization.
The"civil rights" movement was instigated at the behest of jewish money
and brains. The NAACP, CORE and SNCC were founded and controlled by

The White churches of America were dealt a near deadly blow when the
jews (with their media and money power) selected Billy Graham as their
star preacher to promote race mixing. In a published article Graham
said, "There admittedly may be practical problems in some cases because
of cultural differences or because of social prejudice which have to be

but as a general principle, the Bible doesn't prohibit interracial
marriage or say that a person must only marry from his or her own racial
or ethnic group." Some research indicates that Graham's real name is
Franks and that his ancestry is jewish.

Since the redemption of Adam/Israel by the life, death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, the indwelling of the Spirit in the White
race has been accomplished.

However, what if there were no White people left on earth in which God's
Spirit could dwell? God would have no place to dwell. It is quite
conceivable then, for the enemies of God, the jews, to destroy the
ability of our race to propagate and the surest way to do that, short of
killing us outright, is to mix our racial stock producing what the Bible
calls 'bastards' or mongrels (Deut. 23:2).

The end product is a mixed breed empty of an undefiled body tainted
with hybrid genetics, void of a Spirit/temple in which God can dwell.
This breed of jews, as well as all other mixed breeds, have violated

God's biological Creation of 'kind after kind' and therefore cannot
worship the God/Creator of pure undefiled races. They have defiled God's
original intent and sponsor the proliferation of more ungodly defiance.

The world sinks back into decadence and degeneracy with antichrist jews
in control. Unfortunately, too many of God's Israelite people have been
seduced by profiting from their cooperation with jews to promote
interracial fornication.

These race traitors may enjoy their bank accounts momentarily, but God
is not mocked. Wherever you see a multicultural society, you will see
God's wrath and judgment. There are no blessings from race mixing. The
concept of 'the brotherhood of man' is as satanic as the Tower of Babel.
The curse upon our land for believing the mongrel jew is that we shall
become the tail and they shall become the head.
Our people have forsaken God's Law to wit: "Thou may not set a stranger
over thee, which is not thy brother" (Deut. 17:15). The jew and
non-Whites are not our brethren; they are the spiritless alien stranger.
They have mixed blood and mixed up mentalities. They know that it has
always been White Christian nations that have proclaimed liberty and
protected our rights. It is the same race mixers and race traitors who
promulgate the draconian laws of the mislabeled Patriot Act and conspire
for an international 'hate crime' law to protect jews from
"antisemitism" in a New World Order, a police state under martial law
run by jews and their two-legged mixed breed monsters of the future.
Their opposition to the divine plan is clearly laid out in the scheming
tactics of Marxist dialectics.
The Chicago Jewish Sentinel published an article by Julia Steiner about
the 'Commission on the Prevention of Intermarriage' reporting that, "In
the Torah, Jews are repeatedly warned that intermarriage endangers the
survival of the Jewish people." The news release goes on to say that,
"Those who work with our youth must make an active effort to inhibit
intermarriage both by speaking out against it and giving our youngsters
positive reasons to remain Jewish." And yet, on the other hand, Rabbi
Abraham L. Feinberg has stated, "Until we learn to fight our ingrown
fears of sexual relations
2014-05-16 15:36:48 UTC
...some of the most racist words I have ever read on line.
Revenge IsGoodBoy
2022-12-13 09:59:49 UTC
My opinion on this matter, is that white people turned up 5 to 7 thousand years ago, in accordance with Adam and eve. the white race has been the only race to make a Civilization, but other races has barely scraped "empires". in the letter from Potiphar ( I think that's his name) to ceaser, it says Jesus was white. in the dead sea scrolls it says Rachel was white. Adam means rosy, a trait only white people have. their is a lot more evidence that I don't care to mention, but using words "racist" and other derogatory emotional words doesn't disprove a logical argument.

yours truly, a random person
Klaus Mustermann
2023-03-21 22:57:05 UTC
Post by Revenge IsGoodBoy
My opinion on this matter, is that white people turned up 5 to 7 thousand years ago, in accordance with Adam and eve. the white race has been the only race to make a Civilization, but other races has barely scraped "empires". in the letter from Potiphar ( I think that's his name) to ceaser, it says Jesus was white. in the dead sea scrolls it says Rachel was white. Adam means rosy, a trait only white people have. their is a lot more evidence that I don't care to mention, but using words "racist" and other derogatory emotional words doesn't disprove a logical argument.
yours truly, a random person
2015-01-04 17:43:48 UTC
Post by Leonard Abbott
The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states, "Edom
is in modern Jewry."
Jews are history's foremost race mixer, hypocrites and promoters of
mongrelization. Racial tension can best be understood through jewish
incitement and social engineering. Ultimately, the jewish machinations
for breeding out pure races, not just Whites, and ushering in an era of
one homogenized breed is nothing less than genocide.
95% of world jewry is eastern European Ashkenazi, a racial stock
comprised of Khazar-Edomite blood. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925
edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states,
"Edom is in modern Jewry." Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob
(Israel) for some "Red pottage… therefore was his name called Edom"
(Gen. 25:30). Edom means 'red'.
It is impossible for Edomite jews to call themselves Israelites. Jacob
remained racially pure, while his brother Esau took alien wives.
Therefore, a great controversy emerges from ancient times to the present
manifestation of 'red' communism (created by jews) between those who
have maintained their racial integrity from God and those who have not.
The fury of Red Terror and racial chaos can be explained only as a
manifestation of jewish hatred against White Christian civilization.
The"civil rights" movement was instigated at the behest of jewish money
and brains. The NAACP, CORE and SNCC were founded and controlled by
The White churches of America were dealt a near deadly blow when the
jews (with their media and money power) selected Billy Graham as their
star preacher to promote race mixing. In a published article Graham
said, "There admittedly may be practical problems in some cases because
of cultural differences or because of social prejudice which have to be
but as a general principle, the Bible doesn't prohibit interracial
marriage or say that a person must only marry from his or her own racial
or ethnic group." Some research indicates that Graham's real name is
Franks and that his ancestry is jewish.
Since the redemption of Adam/Israel by the life, death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, the indwelling of the Spirit in the White
race has been accomplished.
However, what if there were no White people left on earth in which God's
Spirit could dwell? God would have no place to dwell. It is quite
conceivable then, for the enemies of God, the jews, to destroy the
ability of our race to propagate and the surest way to do that, short of
killing us outright, is to mix our racial stock producing what the Bible
calls 'bastards' or mongrels (Deut. 23:2).
The end product is a mixed breed empty of an undefiled body tainted
with hybrid genetics, void of a Spirit/temple in which God can dwell.
This breed of jews, as well as all other mixed breeds, have violated
God's biological Creation of 'kind after kind' and therefore cannot
worship the God/Creator of pure undefiled races. They have defiled God's
original intent and sponsor the proliferation of more ungodly defiance.
The world sinks back into decadence and degeneracy with antichrist jews
in control. Unfortunately, too many of God's Israelite people have been
seduced by profiting from their cooperation with jews to promote
interracial fornication.
These race traitors may enjoy their bank accounts momentarily, but God
is not mocked. Wherever you see a multicultural society, you will see
God's wrath and judgment. There are no blessings from race mixing. The
concept of 'the brotherhood of man' is as satanic as the Tower of Babel.
The curse upon our land for believing the mongrel jew is that we shall
become the tail and they shall become the head.
Our people have forsaken God's Law to wit: "Thou may not set a stranger
over thee, which is not thy brother" (Deut. 17:15). The jew and
non-Whites are not our brethren; they are the spiritless alien stranger.
They have mixed blood and mixed up mentalities. They know that it has
always been White Christian nations that have proclaimed liberty and
protected our rights. It is the same race mixers and race traitors who
promulgate the draconian laws of the mislabeled Patriot Act and conspire
for an international 'hate crime' law to protect jews from
"antisemitism" in a New World Order, a police state under martial law
run by jews and their two-legged mixed breed monsters of the future.
Their opposition to the divine plan is clearly laid out in the scheming
tactics of Marxist dialectics.
The Chicago Jewish Sentinel published an article by Julia Steiner about
the 'Commission on the Prevention of Intermarriage' reporting that, "In
the Torah, Jews are repeatedly warned that intermarriage endangers the
survival of the Jewish people." The news release goes on to say that,
"Those who work with our youth must make an active effort to inhibit
intermarriage both by speaking out against it and giving our youngsters
positive reasons to remain Jewish." And yet, on the other hand, Rabbi
Abraham L. Feinberg has stated, "Until we learn to fight our ingrown
fears of sexual relations
Notice how Paulbh can only call the author here "racist" because he has no argument. instead Paul here has to use Orwellian Newspeak (words like Racist, Nazi, Holocaust, Anti-semitic) words that have no inherent meaning other than emotional appeal.

It's like almost everyone in America and other parts in the world have been traumatized wholeheartedly by edomite propaganda that the use of words like "racist" "Nazi" "Holocaust" trigger some subconscious imagery of the holocaust and overall horribleness.

That's why these Orwellian Newspeak words are so dangerous, and people like Paul have fallen victim to it.

Anyway thank you for the read, I will be sharing this.
2015-06-22 23:42:21 UTC
Whites are also European... Any original peoples to the middle eastern region (which is simply African/Hamitic land) would be a dark/dark brown race. Think about the science of it, any race of people dwelling this close to the equator with fair skin would not survive for generations without important micro-evolutions of their skin (production of more melanin which is responsible for pigment). Whites and So called Jewish descend from similar stock - Japheth - Noah's son which settled in northern regions. Non whites are the majority of the world, and most that have the guts to research their recent Homo-Erectus will find common ancestry in Africa.
2019-08-29 05:23:42 UTC
Adam means pale man that can blush... kinda breaks you idea.
2020-04-19 17:15:20 UTC
Lol adam doesnt mean pale man its simply from earth we all know what color dirt is 🤷🏾‍♂
2020-05-27 03:28:55 UTC
My question would be..where did God live before white people crawled out of caves. You are the last people to show up 2/3 of civilization was over before a white man wore a shoe or lived in a house with a window...hairy grunting and eating their babies...where was god living. White cacacasians carry 3-20% Neanderthal DNA so you expect me to believe you are not a MONGREL...sir white people arent even fully human. If you say your god is perfect and his creation is perfect then how come his creation isn’t in harmony..white people cannot be in the sun without the sun trying its hardest to ELIMINATE you from the Earth...so either Gods creation has an ULTRAVIOLET flaw... or you sir and your white/ pink sunburnt counterparts with your Neanderthal non human DNA do not belong here which is proven by you and yours being the infection of the earth. Sorry guy JACOB and THE House of ISRAEL is BLACK AND WILL REMAIN BLACK! Black is DOMINANT..white freckle face non melinated beasts are RECESSIVE...sorry you lose and will be destroyed along with your fake stringy hair girl god transsexual Jesus who is as real as your fake Santa Claus... see a pattern emerging... read Jeremiah 31 and you will see THE GOD OF ISRAEL is OUR REDEEMER... so who needs a jesus...😆😆😆😆
2020-06-07 06:05:28 UTC
Perhaps you forget that there are albino blacks and THAT is a mutation. Your race isn't free from impurities (as you would consider it.)
We all originate from Africa and those of us who migrated became less pigmented through the generations.
2021-09-16 07:56:49 UTC
My question would be..where did God live before white people crawled out of caves. You are the last people to show up 2/3 of civilization was over before a white man wore a shoe or lived in a house with a window...hairy grunting and eating their babies...where was god living. White cacacasians carry 3-20% Neanderthal DNA so you expect me to believe you are not a MONGREL...sir white people arent even fully human. If you say your god is perfect and his creation is perfect then how come his creation isn’t in harmony..white people cannot be in the sun without the sun trying its hardest to ELIMINATE you from the Earth...so either Gods creation has an ULTRAVIOLET flaw... or you sir and your white/ pink sunburnt counterparts with your Neanderthal non human DNA do not belong here which is proven by you and yours being the infection of the earth. Sorry guy JACOB and THE House of ISRAEL is BLACK AND WILL REMAIN BLACK! Black is DOMINANT..white freckle face non melinated beasts are RECESSIVE...sorry you lose and will be destroyed along with your fake stringy hair girl god transsexual Jesus who is as real as your fake Santa Claus... see a pattern emerging... read Jeremiah 31 and you will see THE GOD OF ISRAEL is OUR REDEEMER... so who needs a jesus...😆😆😆😆
You are black and nothing will ever change it
John Biggs
2023-06-03 02:01:40 UTC
Post by d***@gmail.com
Lol adam doesnt mean pale man its simply from earth we all know what color dirt is 🤷🏾‍♂
I have a degree in bible languages. Trust me. Adam means "ruddy" "white" To blush or show color in the skin. The Hebrews were European. Enough of this black Hebrew myth. What civilization has been built by Africans? NONE. Even Egyptian mummies have red and blonde hair. The only civilized part of Africa was built by whites. We are Gods seed. Deal with it.
2016-07-23 04:56:26 UTC
Those Edomite's in Israel calling themselves Jews are not the real Jews.

Rev 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan

The real Jews are the blacks in America that came to America in cargo slave ships.

Deuteronomy 28:68 And the LORD shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.
2017-03-01 05:48:15 UTC
This is so far, the close as I've come to actually seeing this 1925 Jewish encyclopedia.
But this article covers 98% of the story. Very informative and raises many questions.
2018-06-06 02:04:33 UTC
Post by Leonard Abbott
The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states, "Edom
is in modern Jewry."
"Since the redemption of Adam/Israel by the life, death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, the indwelling of the Spirit in the White
race has been accomplished."

Hebrews are Black. Adam. Noah. Abraham. Issac. Jacob. Moses. Samuel. David. Solomon. Daniel. Isaiah. Ezekiel. John The Baptist. Mary. Jesus. The Disciples. Negroes. Niggers and colored. Glad to break the news to you Leonard Abbott. When the commonly referred to as "nigger" Messiah breaks the sky open as stated in scripture "all of the nations will mourn" (Matt 24:30, Revelation 1:7)
2018-06-16 18:14:14 UTC
I'll attempt to be helpful. You can only maintain your platitude if you misunderstand the law of divorce. Deuteronomy 24:1-4:

"If a man marries a woman, but she becomes displeasing to him because he finds some indecency in her, he may write her a certificate of divorce, hand it to her, and send her away from his house. If, after leaving his house, she goes and becomes another man’s wife, and the second man hates her, writes her a certificate of divorce, hands it to her, and sends her away from his house, or if he dies, the husband who divorced her first may not marry her again after she has been defiled, for that is an abomination to the LORD. You must not bring sin upon the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.

Yahuah divorced Israel long ago. Jeremiah 3:8-10:

"Because faithless Israel had committed adultery, I gave her a certificate of divorce and sent her away. Yet I saw that her unfaithful sister Judah had no fear and prostituted herself as well. Indifferent to her immorality, Israel had defiled the land and committed adultery with stones and trees. Yet in spite of all this, her unfaithful sister Judah did not return to Me with all her heart, but only in pretense,” declares the LORD"

This precept comes from 2nd Edras (Ezra) which was conveniently removed from the King James bible in the last 250 years or so after the reactions of men such as Nat Turner and other often unspoken American/Caribbean Slave rebellions:

"Upon the sixth day thou gave commandment unto the earth, that before thee it should bring forth beasts, cattle, and creeping things: And after these, Adam also, whom thou made lord of all thy creatures: of him come we all, and the people also whom thou hast chosen. All this have I spoken before thee, O Lord, because thou made the world for our sakes. As for the other people, which also come of Adam, thou hast said that they are nothing, but be like unto spittle: and hast likened the abundance of them unto a drop that falls from a vessel. And now, O Lord, behold, these heathen, WHICH HAVE BEEN EVER REPUTED AS NOTHING, HAVE BEGUN TO BE LORDS OVER US, AND TO DEVOUR US. BUT WE THY PEOPLE, WHOM THOU HAST CALLED THY FIRST BORN, THY ONLY BEGOTTEN, and thy fervent lover, ARE GIVEN INTO THEIR HANDS. If the world now be made FOR OUR SAKES, WHY DO WE NOT POSSESS AN INHERITANCE with the world? HOW LONG SHALL THIS ENDURE?

This makes absolutely no sense addressed to "White" society who has experienced the absolute "best" of everything for at least the last 500 years. To paraphrase your beloved Charlie Sheen white people per capita are "Winning" and have been doing so for quite some time (Jew-ISH, Christian and otherwise).

Matthew 10:5-6: Yahshua says plainly:

These twelve Yahshua sent and he commanded them and he said, "You shall not go by a road of the heathen (Non-Hebrews) and you shall not enter a city of the Samaritans (Hebrews but not Israelites)." "But go especially to the sheep that have been lost of the house of Israel."

You emphasize the "indwelling spirit" of the white race. The facts of the matter:

- Israel is not the "ruling class" of people today. The truth is quite the opposite actually. (Genesis 15:13, Deuteronomy 28:15-68, Zechariah 11:4-5, John 16:2, Matthew 24:9)

- Israel didn't receive the "Promises" of Abraham, Issac and Jacob in 1948 or through any "World Wars" or political interventions. (Hosea 1:7, Isaiah 2:4, Isaiah 60:18, Zechariah 14:11)

- Once you recognize these precepts you might be able to see exactly how Israel has been treated by the "white" race and all of the other nations (Psalm 83)

- Yahuah Elohim of Israel does not "Love" any other nations. (Isaiah 40:15-17)

- The natural branches of Israel are tribesmen of Israel: Judah. The same people who told Pontius Pilate (one of the few "white" men mentioned in scripture "May his blood be upon us and our children" (Matthew 27:25). The wild olive branches are the divorcees of Israel (The tribes that were previously put away via divorce as I showed you in Jeremiah 3). Romans 11:17, and 11:24 is about Israel and Judah becoming one again. Not about world-wide evangelism.

- While people from every nation are and have always been welcomed to join the way of righteousness which is obedience to the Torah (Exodus 12:49, Leviticus 24:22, Isaiah 19:24-25) and accepting The blood of Messiah Yahoshua the truth is that Israel in fact is not caucasian or "middle eastern looking people". At all. 1 John 3 states: "Beloved, now we are the children of God, and it has not been revealed until now what we are going to be, but we know that WHEN HE HAS BEEN REVEALED, WE SHALL BE IN HIS LIKENESS, AND WE SHALL SEE HIM JUST AS WHAT HE IS. And everyone who has this hope upon him purifies himself, just as he is pure."

The Messiah will appear just as his kinsmen who need redemption and salvation from the present and last world kingdom. (Daniel chapters 2, 7 and 9).

As Matthew 25 informs us:

"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit on His glorious throne. ALL THE NATIONS will be gathered before Him, and HE WILL SEPARATE THE PEOPLE one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on His right and the goats on His left."

It is very important for the ones who will be "saved" to recognize HIS PEOPLE. As Yahoshua states:

Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You something to drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? When did we see You sick or in prison and visit You?’
And the King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’

THEN HE WILL SAY TO THOSE ON HIS LEFT, ‘Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave Me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, I was naked and you did not clothe Me, I was sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’ And they too will reply, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’

Then the King will answer, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me.’

And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

Any disputation of these statements is completely unscriptural.
Post by Leonard Abbott
The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states, "Edom
is in modern Jewry."
"Since the redemption of Adam/Israel by the life, death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, the indwelling of the Spirit in the White
race has been accomplished."

Hebrews are Black. Adam. Noah. Abraham. Issac. Jacob. Moses. Samuel. David. Solomon. Daniel. Isaiah. Ezekiel. John The Baptist. Mary. Jesus. The Disciples. Negroes. Niggers and colored. Glad to break the news to you Leonard Abbott. When the commonly referred to as "nigger" Messiah breaks the sky open as stated in scripture "all of the nations will mourn" (Matt 24:30, Revelation 1:7)
Post by Leonard Abbott
Post by Leonard Abbott
The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states, "Edom
is in modern Jewry."
"Since the redemption of Adam/Israel by the life, death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, the indwelling of the Spirit in the White
race has been accomplished."
Hebrews are Black. Adam. Noah. Abraham. Issac. Jacob. Moses. Samuel. David. Solomon. Daniel. Isaiah. Ezekiel. John The Baptist. Mary. Jesus. The Disciples. Negroes. Niggers and colored. Glad to break the news to you Leonard Abbott. When the commonly referred to as "nigger" Messiah breaks the sky open as stated in scripture "all of the nations will mourn" (Matt 24:30, Revelation 1:7)
2018-06-27 17:14:16 UTC
If you think all white people have experienced the best of everything and have no injustice, no suffering and no pverty then you are intentionally ignoring the same.
2018-08-19 23:14:52 UTC
Post by Leonard Abbott
The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states, "Edom
is in modern Jewry."
Jews are history's foremost race mixer, hypocrites and promoters of
mongrelization. Racial tension can best be understood through jewish
incitement and social engineering. Ultimately, the jewish machinations
for breeding out pure races, not just Whites, and ushering in an era of
one homogenized breed is nothing less than genocide.
95% of world jewry is eastern European Ashkenazi, a racial stock
comprised of Khazar-Edomite blood. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925
edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states,
"Edom is in modern Jewry." Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob
(Israel) for some "Red pottage… therefore was his name called Edom"
(Gen. 25:30). Edom means 'red'.
It is impossible for Edomite jews to call themselves Israelites. Jacob
remained racially pure, while his brother Esau took alien wives.
Therefore, a great controversy emerges from ancient times to the present
manifestation of 'red' communism (created by jews) between those who
have maintained their racial integrity from God and those who have not.
The fury of Red Terror and racial chaos can be explained only as a
manifestation of jewish hatred against White Christian civilization.
The"civil rights" movement was instigated at the behest of jewish money
and brains. The NAACP, CORE and SNCC were founded and controlled by
The White churches of America were dealt a near deadly blow when the
jews (with their media and money power) selected Billy Graham as their
star preacher to promote race mixing. In a published article Graham
said, "There admittedly may be practical problems in some cases because
of cultural differences or because of social prejudice which have to be
but as a general principle, the Bible doesn't prohibit interracial
marriage or say that a person must only marry from his or her own racial
or ethnic group." Some research indicates that Graham's real name is
Franks and that his ancestry is jewish.
Since the redemption of Adam/Israel by the life, death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, the indwelling of the Spirit in the White
race has been accomplished.
However, what if there were no White people left on earth in which God's
Spirit could dwell? God would have no place to dwell. It is quite
conceivable then, for the enemies of God, the jews, to destroy the
ability of our race to propagate and the surest way to do that, short of
killing us outright, is to mix our racial stock producing what the Bible
calls 'bastards' or mongrels (Deut. 23:2).
The end product is a mixed breed empty of an undefiled body tainted
with hybrid genetics, void of a Spirit/temple in which God can dwell.
This breed of jews, as well as all other mixed breeds, have violated
God's biological Creation of 'kind after kind' and therefore cannot
worship the God/Creator of pure undefiled races. They have defiled God's
original intent and sponsor the proliferation of more ungodly defiance.
The world sinks back into decadence and degeneracy with antichrist jews
in control. Unfortunately, too many of God's Israelite people have been
seduced by profiting from their cooperation with jews to promote
interracial fornication.
These race traitors may enjoy their bank accounts momentarily, but God
is not mocked. Wherever you see a multicultural society, you will see
God's wrath and judgment. There are no blessings from race mixing. The
concept of 'the brotherhood of man' is as satanic as the Tower of Babel.
The curse upon our land for believing the mongrel jew is that we shall
become the tail and they shall become the head.
Our people have forsaken God's Law to wit: "Thou may not set a stranger
over thee, which is not thy brother" (Deut. 17:15). The jew and
non-Whites are not our brethren; they are the spiritless alien stranger.
They have mixed blood and mixed up mentalities. They know that it has
always been White Christian nations that have proclaimed liberty and
protected our rights. It is the same race mixers and race traitors who
promulgate the draconian laws of the mislabeled Patriot Act and conspire
for an international 'hate crime' law to protect jews from
"antisemitism" in a New World Order, a police state under martial law
run by jews and their two-legged mixed breed monsters of the future.
Their opposition to the divine plan is clearly laid out in the scheming
tactics of Marxist dialectics.
The Chicago Jewish Sentinel published an article by Julia Steiner about
the 'Commission on the Prevention of Intermarriage' reporting that, "In
the Torah, Jews are repeatedly warned that intermarriage endangers the
survival of the Jewish people." The news release goes on to say that,
"Those who work with our youth must make an active effort to inhibit
intermarriage both by speaking out against it and giving our youngsters
positive reasons to remain Jewish." And yet, on the other hand, Rabbi
Abraham L. Feinberg has stated, "Until we learn to fight our ingrown
fears of sexual relations
2018-08-20 13:49:35 UTC
Post by Leonard Abbott
The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states, "Edom
is in modern Jewry."
Jews are history's foremost race mixer, hypocrites and promoters of
mongrelization. Racial tension can best be understood through jewish
incitement and social engineering. Ultimately, the jewish machinations
for breeding out pure races, not just Whites, and ushering in an era of
one homogenized breed is nothing less than genocide.
95% of world jewry is eastern European Ashkenazi, a racial stock
comprised of Khazar-Edomite blood. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925
edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states,
"Edom is in modern Jewry." Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob
(Israel) for some "Red pottage… therefore was his name called Edom"
(Gen. 25:30). Edom means 'red'.
It is impossible for Edomite jews to call themselves Israelites. Jacob
remained racially pure, while his brother Esau took alien wives.
Therefore, a great controversy emerges from ancient times to the present
manifestation of 'red' communism (created by jews) between those who
have maintained their racial integrity from God and those who have not.
The fury of Red Terror and racial chaos can be explained only as a
manifestation of jewish hatred against White Christian civilization.
The"civil rights" movement was instigated at the behest of jewish money
and brains. The NAACP, CORE and SNCC were founded and controlled by
The White churches of America were dealt a near deadly blow when the
jews (with their media and money power) selected Billy Graham as their
star preacher to promote race mixing. In a published article Graham
said, "There admittedly may be practical problems in some cases because
of cultural differences or because of social prejudice which have to be
but as a general principle, the Bible doesn't prohibit interracial
marriage or say that a person must only marry from his or her own racial
or ethnic group." Some research indicates that Graham's real name is
Franks and that his ancestry is jewish.
Since the redemption of Adam/Israel by the life, death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, the indwelling of the Spirit in the White
race has been accomplished.
However, what if there were no White people left on earth in which God's
Spirit could dwell? God would have no place to dwell. It is quite
conceivable then, for the enemies of God, the jews, to destroy the
ability of our race to propagate and the surest way to do that, short of
killing us outright, is to mix our racial stock producing what the Bible
calls 'bastards' or mongrels (Deut. 23:2).
The end product is a mixed breed empty of an undefiled body tainted
with hybrid genetics, void of a Spirit/temple in which God can dwell.
This breed of jews, as well as all other mixed breeds, have violated
God's biological Creation of 'kind after kind' and therefore cannot
worship the God/Creator of pure undefiled races. They have defiled God's
original intent and sponsor the proliferation of more ungodly defiance.
The world sinks back into decadence and degeneracy with antichrist jews
in control. Unfortunately, too many of God's Israelite people have been
seduced by profiting from their cooperation with jews to promote
interracial fornication.
These race traitors may enjoy their bank accounts momentarily, but God
is not mocked. Wherever you see a multicultural society, you will see
God's wrath and judgment. There are no blessings from race mixing. The
concept of 'the brotherhood of man' is as satanic as the Tower of Babel.
The curse upon our land for believing the mongrel jew is that we shall
become the tail and they shall become the head.
Our people have forsaken God's Law to wit: "Thou may not set a stranger
over thee, which is not thy brother" (Deut. 17:15). The jew and
non-Whites are not our brethren; they are the spiritless alien stranger.
They have mixed blood and mixed up mentalities. They know that it has
always been White Christian nations that have proclaimed liberty and
protected our rights. It is the same race mixers and race traitors who
promulgate the draconian laws of the mislabeled Patriot Act and conspire
for an international 'hate crime' law to protect jews from
"antisemitism" in a New World Order, a police state under martial law
run by jews and their two-legged mixed breed monsters of the future.
Their opposition to the divine plan is clearly laid out in the scheming
tactics of Marxist dialectics.
The Chicago Jewish Sentinel published an article by Julia Steiner about
the 'Commission on the Prevention of Intermarriage' reporting that, "In
the Torah, Jews are repeatedly warned that intermarriage endangers the
survival of the Jewish people." The news release goes on to say that,
"Those who work with our youth must make an active effort to inhibit
intermarriage both by speaking out against it and giving our youngsters
positive reasons to remain Jewish." And yet, on the other hand, Rabbi
Abraham L. Feinberg has stated, "Until we learn to fight our ingrown
fears of sexual relations

The Kalergi Plan

Grand Deceptions – Chapter 12: Jewish Supremacy and the Multicultural Experiment

By Brandon Martinez

The Zionist-directed strategy of tension outlined in the previous pages does not begin and end with the Middle East. While the Middle East is certainly a major focal point of Zionist intrigues in modern times, there are other less-overt machinations at work, aimed in large part at the West.

Following the Second World War and the defeat of Nazi Germany, Jewish intellectuals in the West began formulating a cohesive plan designed to weaken and subdue Western cultures. From their view, the scheme amounted to a preventative measure against any possible future backlash on par with what happened in Germany under Hitler.

In places like the Middle East and Latin America, multiculturalism and multiethnicism were a somewhat organic outgrowth of historical circumstances. The Middle East functioned as a crossroads of sorts between the global East, West, North and South, and the large population movements across the region resulted in the heavily mixed (ethnically speaking) societies that exist there now. Likewise, the modern nation-states of Latin America were formed through Spanish and Portuguese colonialism. The introduction of African slaves to the area as well as intermixing between natives and the occupying Spanish and Portuguese colonials has produced a medley of multiethnic countries, with the exception of Argentina and Uruguay (which are majority European).

But Europe itself, while multicultural and multiethnic on a continental level in the sense that many sub-ethnicities and sub-cultures of Europeans exist more or less in their own spaces, did not open itself up to the rest of the world in the way we are seeing today with mass immigration from the Third World. It is one thing to have different types of Europeans, who have similar cultures, languages and genetic stock, living with or near each other; it is another thing altogether to have masses of non-Europeans with starkly different cultures, customs and genetics to be artificially inserted into the bosom of Europe without the consent of its people.

This synthetic introduction of millions of non-Europeans into Europe, peoples very different from those native to the continent, did not happen by chance, but by deliberate calculation on the part of Western power elites. These predominantly Jewish-Zionist elites adhere to a globalist creed that sees ethnicity, race and culture as impediments to their aim of a one world government and one world economy. In conjunction with the ideas promoted by the Cultural Marxist New Left – notions that encourage dysgenic social norms (feminism, homosexuality, transgenderism, etc.) designed to deracinate European peoples and cultures globally – the open-borders policies of the West’s present political establishment could eventually result in the genocidal ethnic and cultural dissolution of all White European-derived ethnic groups. And, as we will see, that is the end game.

In his study of Cultural Marxism entitled The Culture of Critique, evolutionary psychologist Kevin MacDonald notes that the “first generation of the Frankfurt School were all Jews by ethnic background and the Institute of Social Research itself was funded by a Jewish millionaire, Felix Weil.”[1] The Institute of Social Research was founded in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1923 by Carl Grünberg, a Jewish-Marxist professor who taught law and politics at the University of Vienna and Goethe University Frankfurt. The Institute later became informally known as the Frankfurt School and boasted a nearly-exclusive Jewish cast of thinkers, researchers and ideologues, which included: Theodore Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, Friedrich Pollock, Erich Fromm, Otto Kirchheimer, Leo Löwenthal, Franz Leopold Neumann and Henryk Grossman.[2]

The primary purpose and aim of the Jewish-Marxist ideologists of the Frankfurt School was to stigmatize “anti-Semitism” through convoluted social and cultural delegitimation theories. They were, in essence, a coterie of Jewish supremacists bent on the psychological subordination of Gentiles, thereby producing a social, cultural and political environment in which Jews could thrive without much resistance. The Frankfurt School brain trust acted freely during the Weimar period in Germany, but was promptly dismantled and chased out of the country when Hitler and the National Socialists seized power in 1933. The Institute quickly moved its base to the United States, principally Columbia University in New York City after Max Horkheimer had convinced Columbia’s president to host the Institute in 1934. At Columbia, the epicenter of Cultural Marxist activity in the U.S., the Frankfurt School’s ‘Institute of Social Research’ was re-branded into ‘Studies in Philosophy and Social Science’ which set out on a quest to discredit White European males with “fascistic” tendencies.
2018-08-20 13:53:20 UTC
Post by Leonard Abbott
The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states, "Edom
is in modern Jewry."
Jews are history's foremost race mixer, hypocrites and promoters of
mongrelization. Racial tension can best be understood through jewish
incitement and social engineering. Ultimately, the jewish machinations
for breeding out pure races, not just Whites, and ushering in an era of
one homogenized breed is nothing less than genocide.
95% of world jewry is eastern European Ashkenazi, a racial stock
comprised of Khazar-Edomite blood. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925
edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states,
"Edom is in modern Jewry." Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob
(Israel) for some "Red pottage… therefore was his name called Edom"
(Gen. 25:30). Edom means 'red'.
It is impossible for Edomite jews to call themselves Israelites. Jacob
remained racially pure, while his brother Esau took alien wives.
Therefore, a great controversy emerges from ancient times to the present
manifestation of 'red' communism (created by jews) between those who
have maintained their racial integrity from God and those who have not.
The fury of Red Terror and racial chaos can be explained only as a
manifestation of jewish hatred against White Christian civilization.
The"civil rights" movement was instigated at the behest of jewish money
and brains. The NAACP, CORE and SNCC were founded and controlled by
The White churches of America were dealt a near deadly blow when the
jews (with their media and money power) selected Billy Graham as their
star preacher to promote race mixing. In a published article Graham
said, "There admittedly may be practical problems in some cases because
of cultural differences or because of social prejudice which have to be
but as a general principle, the Bible doesn't prohibit interracial
marriage or say that a person must only marry from his or her own racial
or ethnic group." Some research indicates that Graham's real name is
Franks and that his ancestry is jewish.
Since the redemption of Adam/Israel by the life, death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, the indwelling of the Spirit in the White
race has been accomplished.
However, what if there were no White people left on earth in which God's
Spirit could dwell? God would have no place to dwell. It is quite
conceivable then, for the enemies of God, the jews, to destroy the
ability of our race to propagate and the surest way to do that, short of
killing us outright, is to mix our racial stock producing what the Bible
calls 'bastards' or mongrels (Deut. 23:2).
The end product is a mixed breed empty of an undefiled body tainted
with hybrid genetics, void of a Spirit/temple in which God can dwell.
This breed of jews, as well as all other mixed breeds, have violated
God's biological Creation of 'kind after kind' and therefore cannot
worship the God/Creator of pure undefiled races. They have defiled God's
original intent and sponsor the proliferation of more ungodly defiance.
The world sinks back into decadence and degeneracy with antichrist jews
in control. Unfortunately, too many of God's Israelite people have been
seduced by profiting from their cooperation with jews to promote
interracial fornication.
These race traitors may enjoy their bank accounts momentarily, but God
is not mocked. Wherever you see a multicultural society, you will see
God's wrath and judgment. There are no blessings from race mixing. The
concept of 'the brotherhood of man' is as satanic as the Tower of Babel.
The curse upon our land for believing the mongrel jew is that we shall
become the tail and they shall become the head.
Our people have forsaken God's Law to wit: "Thou may not set a stranger
over thee, which is not thy brother" (Deut. 17:15). The jew and
non-Whites are not our brethren; they are the spiritless alien stranger.
They have mixed blood and mixed up mentalities. They know that it has
always been White Christian nations that have proclaimed liberty and
protected our rights. It is the same race mixers and race traitors who
promulgate the draconian laws of the mislabeled Patriot Act and conspire
for an international 'hate crime' law to protect jews from
"antisemitism" in a New World Order, a police state under martial law
run by jews and their two-legged mixed breed monsters of the future.
Their opposition to the divine plan is clearly laid out in the scheming
tactics of Marxist dialectics.
The Chicago Jewish Sentinel published an article by Julia Steiner about
the 'Commission on the Prevention of Intermarriage' reporting that, "In
the Torah, Jews are repeatedly warned that intermarriage endangers the
survival of the Jewish people." The news release goes on to say that,
"Those who work with our youth must make an active effort to inhibit
intermarriage both by speaking out against it and giving our youngsters
positive reasons to remain Jewish." And yet, on the other hand, Rabbi
Abraham L. Feinberg has stated, "Until we learn to fight our ingrown
fears of sexual relations
The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan – The genocide of the Peoples of Europe
431,442 Views 139 by News Team

Mass immigration is a phenomenon the causes of which are cleverly concealed by the political elites, and the multicultural propaganda is employed to falsely portray it as inevitable. In this article we intend to prove once and for all, that mass immigration is not a spontaneous phenomenon. What the elites try to present as an inevitability of modern life, is actually the product of a plan conceived around a table and prepared over decades, to completely change the face of our continent.

The Pan-Europe

Few people know that one of the main instigators of the process of European integration, was a man who also conceived the genocide of the peoples of Europe. He was a sinister individual whose existence is unknown to the masses of our people, but the political elites consider him as the founder of the European Union. His name is Richard von Coudenhove Kalergi. His father was an Austrian diplomat named Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi (with connections to the Byzantine family of the Kallergis), and his mother the Japanese Mitsu Aoyama.

Thanks to his close contacts with European aristocrats and politicians, and due to the network of relationships created his nobleman-diplomat father, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was able to work unseen, away from the glare of publicity, and he managed to engage the co-operation of the most influential heads of state for his plan, making them supporters and collaborators for his “project of European integration”.

In 1922 he founded the “Pan-European” movement in Vienna, which aimed to create a New World Order, based on a federation of nations led by the United States. European integration would be just the first step in creating a world government. His earliest supporters included Czech politicians Tomáš Masaryk and Edvard Beneš, and the German Jewish banker Max Warburg, who invested the first 60,000 marks. The Austrian Chancellor Ignaz Seipel and the next president of Austria, Karl Renner, took early responsibility for leading the “Pan-European” movement and later, French politicians, such as Léon Bloum, Aristide Briand, Alcide De Gasperi etc., offered their help.

With the rise of Fascism in Europe during the 1930s, the project of European integration was abandoned and the “Pan-European” movement was forced to dissolve. However, after the Second World War, and thanks to frantic and tireless activity and the support of Winston Churchill, the Jewish Masonic Lodge B’nai B’rith and major newspapers like the New York Times, Kalergi managed to gain acceptance for his plan by the United States Government and later the CIA became involved in driving the plan towards completion.

The essence of the Kalergi plan

In his book «Praktischer Idealismus», Kalergi explains that the citizens of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the people of the Old Continent, but a new mixed breed, the products of thorough and widespread miscegenation. He states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and other non-White races, to create a multiracial population, with not clear sense of tradition or identity and therefore easily controlled by the ruling elite.

Kalergi proclaims the need to abolish the right of nations to self-determination and outlines the break-up of nation states through the use of ethnic separatist movements and the destruction of the nations themselves through mass migration. In order for Europe to be easily controlled by the future elite, Kalergi proposes the creation of a homogeneous mixed breed population, and as to who should be the new elite? Kalergi is particularly illuminating on this point:

The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the current diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It’s not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-Prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. Thus, the compassionate care given by Europe created a new breed of aristocrats. This happened when the European feudal aristocracy crashed because of the emancipation of the Jews [due to the actions taken by the French Revolution]
2020-05-27 03:35:58 UTC
Ancient EGYPT WAS A BLACK CIVILIZATION which means ISRAEL is Black because they couldn’t be told apart from Egyptians during Jacobs funeral procession... if Israel was white there would have been no confusion. If Moses was white how could pharaohs daughter raise him and hide him in a black kingdom..you white racist christians have been uncovered and you fake Jews trying to hijack OUR IDENTITY have been found out... GENTILE TIMES ARE OVER... corona virus will usher in JUDGEMENT DAY... Prepare to DIE!
Patrick Kelly
2021-02-12 10:37:57 UTC
Ancient EGYPT WAS A BLACK CIVILIZATION which means ISRAEL is Black because they couldn’t be told apart from Egyptians during Jacobs funeral procession... if Israel was white there would have been no confusion. If Moses was white how could pharaoh's daughter raise him and hide him in a black kingdom..you white racist christians have been uncovered and you fake Jews trying to hijack OUR IDENTITY have been found out... GENTILE TIMES ARE OVER... corona virus will usher in JUDGEMENT DAY... Prepare to DIE!
Egypt was a Hamite nation (Psalms), It was a White Adamite Nation, as Noah had three sons and they were all Adamites. Egypt fell to a Nubian army that Egypt had trained to protect its southern border around the time of the Eighteenth Dynasty at the death of a young Pharoah. It was held by the Nubians for about 50 years, during that time the Bloodlines were destroyed and no great works followed. “For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.” (Isaiah 43:3). Black folks are not Israel, now was the original Egyptians Black.
Patrick Kelly
2021-02-12 10:53:33 UTC
Ancient EGYPT WAS A BLACK CIVILIZATION which means ISRAEL is Black because they couldn’t be told apart from Egyptians during Jacobs funeral procession... if Israel was white there would have been no confusion. If Moses was white how could pharaoh's daughter raise him and hide him in a black kingdom..you white racist christians have been uncovered and you fake Jews trying to hijack OUR IDENTITY have been found out... GENTILE TIMES ARE OVER... corona virus will usher in JUDGEMENT DAY... Prepare to DIE!
Egypt was a Hamite nation (Psalms), It was a White Adamite Nation, as Noah had three sons and they were all Adamites. Egypt fell to a Nubian army that Egypt had trained to protect its southern border around the time of the Eighteenth Dynasty at the death of a young Pharoah. It was held by the Nubians for about 50 years, during that time the Bloodlines were destroyed and no great works followed. “For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.” (Isaiah 43:3). Black folks are not Israel, now was the original Egyptians Black. The word Awdawm defined/ Adam defined, "Ruddy, to blush, to show blood in the face, rosy in complexion, fair and in times of fear, to wax pale"
(Genesis 5)This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
(Genesis 6) Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, descent, DNA from Adam.
Maybe you forget Lamech, Noah's father thought there was a problem, in that Noah was so Bright, Faire, Light, Glowing.
2021-02-15 22:28:16 UTC
Post by Patrick Kelly
Ancient EGYPT WAS A BLACK CIVILIZATION which means ISRAEL is Black because they couldn’t be told apart from Egyptians during Jacobs funeral procession... if Israel was white there would have been no confusion. If Moses was white how could pharaoh's daughter raise him and hide him in a black kingdom..you white racist christians have been uncovered and you fake Jews trying to hijack OUR IDENTITY have been found out... GENTILE TIMES ARE OVER... corona virus will usher in JUDGEMENT DAY... Prepare to DIE!
Egypt was a Hamite nation (Psalms), It was a White Adamite Nation, as Noah had three sons and they were all Adamites. Egypt fell to a Nubian army that Egypt had trained to protect its southern border around the time of the Eighteenth Dynasty at the death of a young Pharoah. It was held by the Nubians for about 50 years, during that time the Bloodlines were destroyed and no great works followed. “For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.” (Isaiah 43:3). Black folks are not Israel, now was the original Egyptians Black. The word Awdawm defined/ Adam defined, "Ruddy, to blush, to show blood in the face, rosy in complexion, fair and in times of fear, to wax pale"
(Genesis 5)This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
(Genesis 6) Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, descent, DNA from Adam.
Maybe you forget Lamech, Noah's father thought there was a problem, in that Noah was so Bright, Faire, Light, Glowing.
Patrick Kelly
2021-02-12 10:41:12 UTC
Ancient EGYPT WAS A BLACK CIVILIZATION which means ISRAEL is Black because they couldn’t be told apart from Egyptians during Jacobs funeral procession... if Israel was white there would have been no confusion. If Moses was white how could pharaohs daughter raise him and hide him in a black kingdom..you white racist christians have been uncovered and you fake Jews trying to hijack OUR IDENTITY have been found out... GENTILE TIMES ARE OVER... corona virus will usher in JUDGEMENT DAY... Prepare to DIE!
Black folks want to be anything but Black.
2021-02-15 23:09:14 UTC
Ancient EGYPT WAS A BLACK CIVILIZATION which means ISRAEL is Black because they couldn’t be told apart from Egyptians during Jacobs funeral procession... if Israel was white there would have been no confusion. If Moses was white how could pharaohs daughter raise him and hide him in a black kingdom..you white racist christians have been uncovered and you fake Jews trying to hijack OUR IDENTITY have been found out... GENTILE TIMES ARE OVER... corona virus will usher in JUDGEMENT DAY... Prepare to DIE!
I think you need to do a bit more research, First we did not ALL come from Africa. Caucasoid never lived in Africa they originated in the Caucus Mountains and were found in the Neander Valley. Hamatic people come from an African/Black Stock and if you are stating we all come from Africa. Your information is flawed by your own researchers who have constantly lied about History to the fact they have confirmed the truth with their own lies. The very name of HAM means Burnt, Black, Hot. Ham is the father of the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans, and Canaan. The Hysoks were invaders who came into Egypt centuries later and look of some mixed Euro Stock of people (I.E. where Alexander The Great, true appearance comes from. Please understand that African/Black people ruled the ancient world and were the first explores and conquerors and therefore were everywhere. Had white Europeans come from Africa, Black Americans and Bantu Africans would also have Neanderthal DNA and we do not! So you are going to have to go another route in explaining white creation! The creation of the first man and woman on earth was in a Black land. From Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob down to King David and Solomon we are talking about a Black race of people. The code has been cracked. We don't have to explain our origins, you do! Your own scientists map your at being from 5000 to 7,000 years old. There is little difference in those you called Jews than those called protestant white Europeans except your different ultimate goals and evidently The Most High GOD is not in line with either! He HAS a PEOPLE and that PEOPLE are the people who will suffer injustice, poverty, hate and bondage under a dominate people that he allowed to dominate over him until his return therefore EDIFYING that ONLY he is THE MOST HIGH GOD that created Heaven and Earth where HE allowed us to exist and get it right. You come from the same lines! I don't know who in their right mind want to mix out their lines to be someone else's social experiments just we as BLACK PEOPLE DON'T! don't want others attempting to destroy our people because of the color of our skin. If the mindset doesn't change there will be nothing left to fight about. We all see the truth though to many are too filled with hate or cowardice to see! I wonder if this country was invaded tomorrow, how many white people here will tell the Black Soldiers and Black people not to fight to defend the U.S.?

5 They encourage themselves in an evil matter: they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them?
6 They search out iniquities; they accomplish a diligent search: both the inward thought of every one of them, and the heart, is deep.
7 But God shall shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly shall they be wounded.
8 So they shall make their own tongue to fall upon themselves: all that see them shall flee away.
John Biggs
2023-06-03 02:02:26 UTC
Ancient EGYPT WAS A BLACK CIVILIZATION which means ISRAEL is Black because they couldn’t be told apart from Egyptians during Jacobs funeral procession... if Israel was white there would have been no confusion. If Moses was white how could pharaohs daughter raise him and hide him in a black kingdom..you white racist christians have been uncovered and you fake Jews trying to hijack OUR IDENTITY have been found out... GENTILE TIMES ARE OVER... corona virus will usher in JUDGEMENT DAY... Prepare to DIE!
Egypt was the only part of Africa that was WHITE. See mummies with blonde and red hair are still being found. Nice try though.
Jamie Curry
2021-11-15 11:24:33 UTC
Post by Leonard Abbott
The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states, "Edom
is in modern Jewry."
Jews are history's foremost race mixer, hypocrites and promoters of
mongrelization. Racial tension can best be understood through jewish
incitement and social engineering. Ultimately, the jewish machinations
for breeding out pure races, not just Whites, and ushering in an era of
one homogenized breed is nothing less than genocide.
95% of world jewry is eastern European Ashkenazi, a racial stock
comprised of Khazar-Edomite blood. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925
edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states,
"Edom is in modern Jewry." Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob
(Israel) for some "Red pottage… therefore was his name called Edom"
(Gen. 25:30). Edom means 'red'.
It is impossible for Edomite jews to call themselves Israelites. Jacob
remained racially pure, while his brother Esau took alien wives.
Therefore, a great controversy emerges from ancient times to the present
manifestation of 'red' communism (created by jews) between those who
have maintained their racial integrity from God and those who have not.
The fury of Red Terror and racial chaos can be explained only as a
manifestation of jewish hatred against White Christian civilization.
The"civil rights" movement was instigated at the behest of jewish money
and brains. The NAACP, CORE and SNCC were founded and controlled by
The White churches of America were dealt a near deadly blow when the
jews (with their media and money power) selected Billy Graham as their
star preacher to promote race mixing. In a published article Graham
said, "There admittedly may be practical problems in some cases because
of cultural differences or because of social prejudice which have to be
but as a general principle, the Bible doesn't prohibit interracial
marriage or say that a person must only marry from his or her own racial
or ethnic group." Some research indicates that Graham's real name is
Franks and that his ancestry is jewish.
Since the redemption of Adam/Israel by the life, death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, the indwelling of the Spirit in the White
race has been accomplished.
However, what if there were no White people left on earth in which God's
Spirit could dwell? God would have no place to dwell. It is quite
conceivable then, for the enemies of God, the jews, to destroy the
ability of our race to propagate and the surest way to do that, short of
killing us outright, is to mix our racial stock producing what the Bible
calls 'bastards' or mongrels (Deut. 23:2).
The end product is a mixed breed empty of an undefiled body tainted
with hybrid genetics, void of a Spirit/temple in which God can dwell.
This breed of jews, as well as all other mixed breeds, have violated
God's biological Creation of 'kind after kind' and therefore cannot
worship the God/Creator of pure undefiled races. They have defiled God's
original intent and sponsor the proliferation of more ungodly defiance.
The world sinks back into decadence and degeneracy with antichrist jews
in control. Unfortunately, too many of God's Israelite people have been
seduced by profiting from their cooperation with jews to promote
interracial fornication.
These race traitors may enjoy their bank accounts momentarily, but God
is not mocked. Wherever you see a multicultural society, you will see
God's wrath and judgment. There are no blessings from race mixing. The
concept of 'the brotherhood of man' is as satanic as the Tower of Babel.
The curse upon our land for believing the mongrel jew is that we shall
become the tail and they shall become the head.
Our people have forsaken God's Law to wit: "Thou may not set a stranger
over thee, which is not thy brother" (Deut. 17:15). The jew and
non-Whites are not our brethren; they are the spiritless alien stranger.
They have mixed blood and mixed up mentalities. They know that it has
always been White Christian nations that have proclaimed liberty and
protected our rights. It is the same race mixers and race traitors who
promulgate the draconian laws of the mislabeled Patriot Act and conspire
for an international 'hate crime' law to protect jews from
"antisemitism" in a New World Order, a police state under martial law
run by jews and their two-legged mixed breed monsters of the future.
Their opposition to the divine plan is clearly laid out in the scheming
tactics of Marxist dialectics.
The Chicago Jewish Sentinel published an article by Julia Steiner about
the 'Commission on the Prevention of Intermarriage' reporting that, "In
the Torah, Jews are repeatedly warned that intermarriage endangers the
survival of the Jewish people." The news release goes on to say that,
"Those who work with our youth must make an active effort to inhibit
intermarriage both by speaking out against it and giving our youngsters
positive reasons to remain Jewish." And yet, on the other hand, Rabbi
Abraham L. Feinberg has stated, "Until we learn to fight our ingrown
fears of sexual relations
Well studied Leonard