Leonard Abbott
2009-10-13 10:32:44 UTC
The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states, "Edom
is in modern Jewry."
Jews are history's foremost race mixer, hypocrites and promoters of
mongrelization. Racial tension can best be understood through jewish
incitement and social engineering. Ultimately, the jewish machinations
for breeding out pure races, not just Whites, and ushering in an era of
one homogenized breed is nothing less than genocide.
95% of world jewry is eastern European Ashkenazi, a racial stock
comprised of Khazar-Edomite blood. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925
edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states,
"Edom is in modern Jewry." Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob
(Israel) for some "Red pottage=85 therefore was his name called Edom"
(Gen. 25:30). Edom means 'red'.
It is impossible for Edomite jews to call themselves Israelites. Jacob
remained racially pure, while his brother Esau took alien wives.
Therefore, a great controversy emerges from ancient times to the present
manifestation of 'red' communism (created by jews) between those who
have maintained their racial integrity from God and those who have not.
The fury of Red Terror and racial chaos can be explained only as a
manifestation of jewish hatred against White Christian civilization.
The"civil rights" movement was instigated at the behest of jewish money
and brains. The NAACP, CORE and SNCC were founded and controlled by
The White churches of America were dealt a near deadly blow when the
jews (with their media and money power) selected Billy Graham as their
star preacher to promote race mixing. In a published article Graham
said, "There admittedly may be practical problems in some cases because
of cultural differences or because of social prejudice which have to be
but as a general principle, the Bible doesn't prohibit interracial
marriage or say that a person must only marry from his or her own racial
or ethnic group." Some research indicates that Graham's real name is
Franks and that his ancestry is jewish.
Since the redemption of Adam/Israel by the life, death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, the indwelling of the Spirit in the White
race has been accomplished.
However, what if there were no White people left on earth in which God's
Spirit could dwell? God would have no place to dwell. It is quite
conceivable then, for the enemies of God, the jews, to destroy the
ability of our race to propagate and the surest way to do that, short of
killing us outright, is to mix our racial stock producing what the Bible
calls 'bastards' or mongrels (Deut. 23:2).
The end product is a mixed breed empty of an undefiled body tainted
with hybrid genetics, void of a Spirit/temple in which God can dwell.
This breed of jews, as well as all other mixed breeds, have violated
God's biological Creation of 'kind after kind' and therefore cannot
worship the God/Creator of pure undefiled races. They have defiled God's
original intent and sponsor the proliferation of more ungodly defiance.
The world sinks back into decadence and degeneracy with antichrist jews
in control. Unfortunately, too many of God's Israelite people have been
seduced by profiting from their cooperation with jews to promote
interracial fornication.
These race traitors may enjoy their bank accounts momentarily, but God
is not mocked. Wherever you see a multicultural society, you will see
God's wrath and judgment. There are no blessings from race mixing. The
concept of 'the brotherhood of man' is as satanic as the Tower of Babel.
The curse upon our land for believing the mongrel jew is that we shall
become the tail and they shall become the head.
Our people have forsaken God's Law to wit: "Thou may not set a stranger
over thee, which is not thy brother" (Deut. 17:15). The jew and
non-Whites are not our brethren; they are the spiritless alien stranger.
They have mixed blood and mixed up mentalities. They know that it has
always been White Christian nations that have proclaimed liberty and
protected our rights. It is the same race mixers and race traitors who
promulgate the draconian laws of the mislabeled Patriot Act and conspire
for an international 'hate crime' law to protect jews from
"antisemitism" in a New World Order, a police state under martial law
run by jews and their two-legged mixed breed monsters of the future.
Their opposition to the divine plan is clearly laid out in the scheming
tactics of Marxist dialectics.
The Chicago Jewish Sentinel published an article by Julia Steiner about
the 'Commission on the Prevention of Intermarriage' reporting that, "In
the Torah, Jews are repeatedly warned that intermarriage endangers the
survival of the Jewish people." The news release goes on to say that,
"Those who work with our youth must make an active effort to inhibit
intermarriage both by speaking out against it and giving our youngsters
positive reasons to remain Jewish." And yet, on the other hand, Rabbi
Abraham L. Feinberg has stated, "Until we learn to fight our ingrown
fears of sexual relations
is in modern Jewry."
Jews are history's foremost race mixer, hypocrites and promoters of
mongrelization. Racial tension can best be understood through jewish
incitement and social engineering. Ultimately, the jewish machinations
for breeding out pure races, not just Whites, and ushering in an era of
one homogenized breed is nothing less than genocide.
95% of world jewry is eastern European Ashkenazi, a racial stock
comprised of Khazar-Edomite blood. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925
edition, Vol. 5, page 41, states,
"Edom is in modern Jewry." Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob
(Israel) for some "Red pottage=85 therefore was his name called Edom"
(Gen. 25:30). Edom means 'red'.
It is impossible for Edomite jews to call themselves Israelites. Jacob
remained racially pure, while his brother Esau took alien wives.
Therefore, a great controversy emerges from ancient times to the present
manifestation of 'red' communism (created by jews) between those who
have maintained their racial integrity from God and those who have not.
The fury of Red Terror and racial chaos can be explained only as a
manifestation of jewish hatred against White Christian civilization.
The"civil rights" movement was instigated at the behest of jewish money
and brains. The NAACP, CORE and SNCC were founded and controlled by
The White churches of America were dealt a near deadly blow when the
jews (with their media and money power) selected Billy Graham as their
star preacher to promote race mixing. In a published article Graham
said, "There admittedly may be practical problems in some cases because
of cultural differences or because of social prejudice which have to be
but as a general principle, the Bible doesn't prohibit interracial
marriage or say that a person must only marry from his or her own racial
or ethnic group." Some research indicates that Graham's real name is
Franks and that his ancestry is jewish.
Since the redemption of Adam/Israel by the life, death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, the indwelling of the Spirit in the White
race has been accomplished.
However, what if there were no White people left on earth in which God's
Spirit could dwell? God would have no place to dwell. It is quite
conceivable then, for the enemies of God, the jews, to destroy the
ability of our race to propagate and the surest way to do that, short of
killing us outright, is to mix our racial stock producing what the Bible
calls 'bastards' or mongrels (Deut. 23:2).
The end product is a mixed breed empty of an undefiled body tainted
with hybrid genetics, void of a Spirit/temple in which God can dwell.
This breed of jews, as well as all other mixed breeds, have violated
God's biological Creation of 'kind after kind' and therefore cannot
worship the God/Creator of pure undefiled races. They have defiled God's
original intent and sponsor the proliferation of more ungodly defiance.
The world sinks back into decadence and degeneracy with antichrist jews
in control. Unfortunately, too many of God's Israelite people have been
seduced by profiting from their cooperation with jews to promote
interracial fornication.
These race traitors may enjoy their bank accounts momentarily, but God
is not mocked. Wherever you see a multicultural society, you will see
God's wrath and judgment. There are no blessings from race mixing. The
concept of 'the brotherhood of man' is as satanic as the Tower of Babel.
The curse upon our land for believing the mongrel jew is that we shall
become the tail and they shall become the head.
Our people have forsaken God's Law to wit: "Thou may not set a stranger
over thee, which is not thy brother" (Deut. 17:15). The jew and
non-Whites are not our brethren; they are the spiritless alien stranger.
They have mixed blood and mixed up mentalities. They know that it has
always been White Christian nations that have proclaimed liberty and
protected our rights. It is the same race mixers and race traitors who
promulgate the draconian laws of the mislabeled Patriot Act and conspire
for an international 'hate crime' law to protect jews from
"antisemitism" in a New World Order, a police state under martial law
run by jews and their two-legged mixed breed monsters of the future.
Their opposition to the divine plan is clearly laid out in the scheming
tactics of Marxist dialectics.
The Chicago Jewish Sentinel published an article by Julia Steiner about
the 'Commission on the Prevention of Intermarriage' reporting that, "In
the Torah, Jews are repeatedly warned that intermarriage endangers the
survival of the Jewish people." The news release goes on to say that,
"Those who work with our youth must make an active effort to inhibit
intermarriage both by speaking out against it and giving our youngsters
positive reasons to remain Jewish." And yet, on the other hand, Rabbi
Abraham L. Feinberg has stated, "Until we learn to fight our ingrown
fears of sexual relations